By Levi Godsown Ekwe When a so called pastor abandons the high calling of His office as a soul winner, a teacher of the truth and a follower of Christ, such a person is of all men the most miserable. And if a man berates such an exalted office only to take the place of a jester, conman, an enemy of God’s kingdom, one who will make a nincompoop of himself just to be applauded by mere mortals, then you have a man who has lost his sole aim for living. After seeing the laughable video by Sunday Adelaja tagged Elijah Challenge on Facebook, I have come to the conclusion that Sunday belongs to Nollywood and perhaps should pursue a career in acting. Sunday Adelaja is advocating a situation where Pastors E.A. Adeboye, Dr D.K Olukoya and other great ministers of God will come together and test who is serving the living God. What a Joker!!! It’s either Sunday does not know his position as man or he is living in euphoria because under normal circumstances he is not in the ...
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