The 20th Inspector General of Police, IGP. Mohammed Adamu, NPM, mni, tenure in office as the Inspector General of Police will be coming to an end on 1st February, 2021, after a herculean job of clearing part of the rot left being by his immediate predecessor, IGP. Ibrahim Kpotun Idris. Without trying to run down the tenure of IGP. Idris, it is common knowledge within and outside the Nigeria Police Force that the organisation having been repositioned for further reforms and better service delivery by IGP. Solomon Arase, IGP. Idris came on board and took the Nigeria Police Force, dipped it in the dirtiest mud one could think of and set the organisation 15years backward. IGP. Idris performance still resonates till date, albeit in his domestic life. Kudos and commendation must go to the current outgoing IGP., IGP Adamu who has reformatted the Nigeria Police Force with some unprecedented foundations needed for a better repositioning and total reforms of the Nigeria Police Force. ...
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