…CONSORTIUM OF LAWYERS, ETHNIC YOUTH LEADERS, CSO CHIDE THE WASHINGTON POST … ALLEGE GLOBAL SMEAR CAMPAIGN AGAINST AITEO AND ITS FOUNDER BENEDICT PETERS … INSIST THAT MATTERS ALREADY SETTLED IN COURT REMAIN SETTLED … CALL ON BUSINESSES OWNERS TO ONLY ENGAGE IN HEALTHY COMPETITION There is no downplaying the trend of media corruption gaining traction in recent times. What is fast gaining notoriety is the rate at which foreign journalists are contracted by some unscrupulous entities to do damage to national growth through indigenous players. Like the colour and literal meaning of crude, the petroleum industry in Nigeria has always been one in which some companies and individuals have played their hand in the crudest manners. For this group of people who have held sway for decades, every entity perceived as competition must be crushed for them to have a field day while fleecing the country of...
Where the worthy celebrities are celebrated