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Prophecy Confirmation: How FANO's Pro. Samuel Akinbodunse prophesied Felix Tshisekedi Victory As Congo's President

When God speaks, the wise listens!  Interestingly, another major prophecies of God through Prophet Samuel Akinbodunse has just been fulfilled less than two weeks. 

The Man of God predicted that amidst tension he sees Felix Tshisekedi Winning the presidential election of Congo When the result would be released: 

Lets pray that letter 2 shouldn’t be letter 1 and letter 2 should not take letter 1 to court for justice. Lets pray that this election will not be manipulated and there will be no court case. Lets pray that the judiciary shouldn’t face the toughest challenge in the history of the country but I see two parties that merge together over taking the horse that has been celebrating for sometime but we should pray they should not cripple the four feet of the horse. I see ‘F’ and I see Seat. I see ‘F’ and I see staff but it will be tough. Lets pray.

And true to the prophecy,  the Democratic Republic of Congo is set to see its first handover of power in 18 years after opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi was on Thursday named by election officials as the provisional winner of an historic presidential poll.

The election’s supervisors had faced mounting pressure at home and abroad to publish the results after repeated delays stoked fears for the giant country’s stability.

“Having gained… 38.57 percent of the vote, Felix Tshisekedi is provisionally declared the elected president of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” said Corneille Nangaa, the head of the Independent National Election Commission (CENI).

Shouts of joy erupted at the commission’s offices as the results were announced early Thursday morning, AFP journalists reported.

The DRC — a vast and poor country burdened by a history of bloodshed — has been in the grip of a two-year crisis over the succession of President Joseph Kabila, who said last year he would finally step down after nearly two decades as leader.

The mineral-rich country has never had a peaceful transition of power since it gained independence from Belgium in 1960.

The candidate Kabila hand-picked to succeed him, loyalist former interior minister Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, came third in the poll.

The other main opposition candidate, former oil executive Martin Fayulu came second, official results showed.

The son of major Congolese political figure Etienne Tshisekedi, the 55-year-old president-elect is the head of country’s longtime main opposition party UDPS.

According to the initial timetable set out by the CENI, the definitive results are due on January 15 with the swearing-in of the new president three days later.

As the lengthy results were read out on nationwide TV, police were deployed at strategic spots in the capital Kinshasa where, for the second evening running, many residents went home and locked their doors early.

Losing candidates, who include businessman Martin Fayulu and ruling party candidate Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, can contest the results before the country's constitutional court, which has 10 days to hear and rule on any challenges.

Could this be a warning to Nigeria that when God speaks, the wise listens?


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