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When you want to do anything in life don’t go into what you don’t understand not especially something that will pull men down for you to be lifted up, IT WILL END IN SHAME.





MAUREEN BADEJO went out of line in a 360-degree measure by blogging about a ministry like Mountain of fire and miracles ministries as well as the general overseer Dr. DK OLUKYA, only God knows how many young believers this woman has crashed their faith with her satanically inspired idea of a blog that preys on peoples glory





Mind you, Maureen has been doing all this with different ministries and getting away, and when she picked up a matter with MFM AND SAW THAT HER FOLLOWERS AND VIEWERSHIP GREW IN TENS OF THOUSANDS she felt character assassination, lies, allegations, and all sort should be thrown at it

Little did she know that fire is different from fire, and when God fights for you he will make your enemies make mistakes that will destroy them, and that’s what MAUREEN BADEJO DID TO HERSELF.




for those of you who are saying why should a church or a man of God go to court, I will advise you to read your bible once again and then I will refresh your memories with 34 allegations I mean 34 Fabricated lies  and unscrutinized hosting of sycophants to  buttress her points in her show,






 This woman put up over 100 shows against the ministry and the man of God without proof or evidence of these accusations, all for the sake of blog popularity, useless fame, and  hustle,






 As I list these accusations below I would like to ask her to provide evidence backing up these claims to either prove me wrong or justify her actions thereby

 1. She claimed that Dr. Olukoya is a ritual killer. We would like Maureen Badejo to provide the Number of people he killed, with what method and their identities



2. She claimed that Dr. Olukoya is a rapist. Maureen, I urge you to give us Names of people Raped and where and how



3. She claimed that Dr. Olukoya is occultic.  Maureen can you provide us with the name of the cult and how he was initiated and probably the location of the operations



4. She claimed Dr. Olukoya’s son has 6billion Naira in Heritage bank. Maureen, can you provide bank statements and transactions for this allegation? 




5. She said Dr. Olukoya’s child was purchased for £1million. If this is by any way true, can Maureen provide us with evidence of the transaction, as in date, receipt of purchase, name of the seller, and child’s biological parents?





6. She said Dr. Olukoya collects powers from prostitutes. Can Maureen identify any of these prostitutes? And bring us names and dates



7. She alleged that Dr. Olukoya kept virgins in a block of flats and uses them for rituals. Can Maureen name these virgins? we would like to know them Maureen



8. She said Mrs. Olukoya lives in Canada; can she provide her address and resident status in Canada?




9. She said Dr. and Mrs. Olukoya are trying to relocate to Canada. Maureen tells us how you found out and give us the date of their relocation ad to what city they are moving to.




10. You projected Funke Ashekun as a leader in MFM in one of your shows, in what capacity is she a leader? And were you aware that as at leaving MFM they carted away cars, furniture’s and money from MFM? of course you wouldn’t you are too dumb to ask the right questions






11. You played a video of a shootout in the Dominican Republic and you alleged that it was inside an MFM church in the UK, Maureen what exactly was, and is your mission by doing that? Tell us, please







12. You said that Dr. Olukoya decrees death on pastors who leave MFM. Can you provide a list of such pastors that have left and died?





13. You claimed that Dr. Olukoya uses UK money to fund mountain top university. Maureen if you are asked to provide evidence of these transactions, can you? Because we will need it






14. You said in your shows that Dr. Olukoya is a money launderer. Can you tell us how and provide evidence of this 






15. You said Dr. Olukoya stole £4million in MFM UK. Maureen, how did this happen can you provide details and evidence of this allegation? We need them





16. You disrespectfully said that Dr. Olukoya connived with a UK pastor to steal £150,000, Can you prove this allegation with any form of a document?





17. You alleged that Dr. Olukoya sleeps with prostitutes. We would like to know how, when, and the names of the ones you know




18. You lied that Dr. Olukoya has a case of tax evasion, Can you please prove this with some form of document or reference




19. You claimed that Dr. Olukoya covers up sexual immorality by his pastors. Can you please name the pastors and give us the scenario where Dr. Olukoya covered up for his pastors




20. YOU claimed in your YOUTUBE blog that Dr. Olukoya and MFM trustees UK were removed because of fraud. Maureen, can you tell us how they were removed and when?





21. You said Dr. Olukoya was having issues with his Visa. Can you explain what visa issues he had or was having with any form of proof?





22. Maureen you have been stating in your blog for almost a year now that Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries is not a church but a Cult. Can you please prove to us how MFM IS A CULT 





23. You said 700,000 pounds was stolen by DR Olukoya to buy houses. Can you please prove this allegation with documents or how this was achieved? 

24. You said the man of God separates families because of money. Can you please explain this to us and tell us the names of families that have been separated because of Money.




25. You alleged that Pastor Mrs. Olukoya divided her home because of money. Maureen, can you please tell us the home you are talking about



26. You said Dr. Olukoya does arrange marriages for the pastors of the ministry. Maureen, can you please give us the names




27. Maureen narrated in one of her shows that MFM  pastors got a fake certificate from the University of Lagos. Maureen, we urge you to provide the names of the pastors that secured fake certificates from the University of Lagos, their departments, and the certificates?



28. Maureen Badejo claimed that Mrs. Folashade Olukoya owns the Mountain Top Schools”? Can you provide any form of evidence or document to this matter?



29 Maureen said that there are murders in MFM. Can Maureen please provide the names of those that were murdered, when and where?



30. Maureen alleged that Dr. Olukoya is diabolic. Can Maureen provide us with details and evidence of this?




31. You Maureen Badejo yelled on top of your voice on your YouTube channel that Mrs. Olukoya sent Dr. Olukoya’s relatives away.  Is there any way can you explain this?



32.  You said you saw a video where Dr. Olukoya was denying Christ. Can you please provide us with this video clip? 



33. You alleged from your world of lies that Olukoya kept women at menopause that issues curses for him. Can you please provide the names of these old women that are helping Olukoya with these issues? 


34. Maureen, You said Dr. Olukoya sent his girlfriend to a Babalawo house to kill you but nothing happened? Can you please reveal the identity of the Babalawo as well as the identity of the girlfriend?



I will stop here for today believe me even if a guilty man is called out like this for almost a year and counting the person will be aggravated, how much more an innocent man with a ministry that is cut out to make a difference on the face of the earth, in my personal opinion this judgment is not even enough she deserves to go to jail for a very long time mind you fellow bloggers are calling her out for her fraudulent ways with GOFUNDME accounts she sets up for scamming people click on the link below for more I WARNED YOU MAUREEN



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